Yes We Can
A Fruitful Year…
A simple selfless thought goes a long way. ‘More Smiles’ is our vision and it could not be a success without you. For each smile we draw on their faces it tells it all and it’s worth a world. In what we do at AidToSchools, we always know what we are going to get at the end - it is a journey through million smiles.
For the year 2013/2014…
For the year 2013/2014 AidToSchools has helped more than 275 school aged sons and daughters, which we thought needed the most, in their education, with an effort to make their futures a bit better. It was not only because we felt we owed it to our motherland, but because it sensed right in our hearts!
As the next step of this heart filling mission, AidToSchools would like to propose the following project for the year 2014/2015.
Project 2014
Please join with us...
Your generosity is our strength. Each penny we receive from you adds up to a something; something that can be used to do a big change.
You can send your monetary contributions via following means.
Account Name : Aid To School
Bank Name : HSBC (UK)
Branch Sort Code: 40-24-17
Account Number : 02556855
Account Name : Aid to School Children
Bank Name : Sampath Bank (SL)
Branch Name: Wellawatte
Account Number : 103660999716