FOC Food Stall - United Kingdom
Feeding and promoting AidToSchools to 4000 people was not a simple business!!
We made stuff, we fried stuff, we mixed stuff. Promoted AidToSchools to its best; people were not just nodding along, but they actually wanted to know more about our charity, and a closer to 100 contact details, requesting to add them into the AidToSchool mail list tells us those people may have really felt inside what we were doing. The number of repeating customers added up to a massive food sales, the cash and change handling had to be sleek and accurate. Finally, what we left were with only a bag of chick peas and cut roti!
Our bodies are aching, joints are hurting, eyes just need regain; but our hearts are filled with joy and pride, and it’s totally worth a pain.
We couldn’t be more thankful to the all ongenial people, who lent their hearts and hands to lift the flag on high. Without you this wouldn’t be a success.
We couldn’t be more thankful to the all ongenial people, who lent their hearts and hands to lift the flag on high. Without you this wouldn’t be a success.
Project 2015
Please join with us...
Your generosity is our strength. Each penny we receive from you adds up to a something; something that can be used to do a big change.
You can send your monetary contributions via following means.
Account Name : Aid To School
Bank Name : HSBC (UK)
Branch Sort Code: 40-24-17
Account Number : 02556855
Account Name : Aid to School Children
Bank Name : Sampath Bank (SL)
Branch Name: Wellawatte
Account Number : 103660999716

3 weeks of intense planning, calculations and recalculations, long shopping lists (as long as it could get), a number of trips, heavy loads, long nights, hours of calls with FOC, coming up with most eye-catching designs and strategies to present AidToSchools colorfully yet proudly in front of the public, and last but not least, ‘The Cooking’; not just 1, not just 2, but for 3 days!! hours and hours of work.
In the final run, waking ups before the birds, finding ourselves creativity in packing!, lengthy check lists, hours of driving with patience, and finally the mega mega event.
125 potions of Kottu; 250 Pol Roti, Lunumiris and Pork; 150 potions of Pork Bites, Pork Curry, Chicken Curry and Mutton Curry; 840 Spicy Kokis; 300 Wade; 200 potions of Bite Kadala; 200 Pol Pani Pan Cakes.