Pattiwela Primary School
Pattiwela Primary School is a rural village in the Matale District. The School provides education to around 250 children in the Galewela area. Most current Children come from very poor backgrounds. We found that some children have both their parents abroad, leaving the children in the care of relatives. Other parents work as laborers earning a meagre living, not sufficient to even feed the children.
We found that almost all the children in the school are in need of basic educational needs such as books, bags, shoes and school uniform items. Principal of the school sent us a list of current requirements and under this project we wish to support them by supplying the items. We estimate these basic needs can be met by collecting £1500. Our volunteers in Sri Lanka are talking to the manufacturers of school bags and shoes etc to get them at favourable rates.
Our core team of volunteers are actively raising funds for this project currently. In addition to the basic needs we also plan to send them sports items as a shipment from the UK. You too can join in by contributing money, volunteering with services or introducing contacts in Sri Lanka who could supply or transport these items to the school. Please get in touch through our contact us page.
Project 2013
Interview of the Principal of School Pattiwela
The situation of the children in Pattiwela College was brought to our attention by the principal Mr. U.G. Ranathunga. Here''s what he had to say to our volunteer in Sri Lanka.
"Our school is in the Galewela Education Zone in the Matale District of Sri Lanka. A rural school with a current student population of 261 children, mostly coming from severely deprived backgrounds. Most children have either one or both of their parents living abroad as domestic workers, leaving the children in the care of family relatives, who themselves have their own financial difficulties. Others come from parents who make a daily living as laborers, whose meager income cannot be relied upon to even feed the children, let alone supporting their educational needs. Majority of the children do not have even the basic needs to attend school.
Our school is in the Galewela Education Zone in the Matale District of Sri Lanka. A rural school with a current student population of 261 children, mostly coming from severely deprived backgrounds. Most children have either one or both of their parents living abroad as domestic workers, leaving the children in the care of family relatives, who themselves have their own financial difficulties. Others come from parents who make a daily living as laborers, whose meager income cannot be relied upon to even feed the children, let alone supporting their educational needs. Majority of the children do not have even the basic needs to attend school.
Our school facilities are minimum by any standard. Classes for grades 6 to 10 are all held in a non-partitioned hall. Classes for children sitting the GCE Ordinary Level examination are held in a small dilapidated building. Though our resources are limited, we are proud to have been honored with the President’s Award two times in the past. Our dedicated staff of teachers made sure that our school was selected as the best school in the district, awarded with the Green Medal for school environment and the Best Environment Protection Soldier Group. In addition, several programs are held, such as the Student Parliament, monthly fine arts day, “Nada” media unit, environment protection programs and a multitude of sports activities. We were also able to provide our children with lunch twice a week with funding secured from Germany.
We consider ourselves fortunate to have received your organisation''s attention. Attached please find a list of items that are currently and urgently needed by our children.
I join my staff and the children to thank you all for your efforts to give these items to us..."
U.G. Ranathunga - Principal, CP/G/Pattiwela Primary College, Pattiwela, Galewela, Sri Lanka
Please join with us...
Your generosity is our strength. Each penny we receive from you adds up to a something; something that can be used to do a big change.
You can send your monetary contributions via following means.
Account Name : Aid To School
Bank Name : HSBC (UK)
Branch Sort Code: 40-24-17
Account Number : 02556855
Account Name : Aid to School Children
Bank Name : Sampath Bank (SL)
Branch Name: Wellawatte
Account Number : 103660999716

Thanking letters from School children
Children are like beautiful flowers. These little children came to school with lack of facilities. children never wore a new shoes in their lifetime. They haven’t school equipment. Some are never saw colors that you are given to them.
In these situation, according to our request you spent your valuable time, your energy for these little flowers. Now they wore shoes, use other school materials which you are provided. We feel happy when we saw that. We appreciate your contribution and thanks for what you did for these children.

Handing over the donations to the children
We have set the date for our BIG event “handing over the donations to the Pattiwela School children” on Saturday, the 15th of June 2013.
All purchasing, packaging and co-ordination with the school has been done by our friends in IFS-Colombo. Well done guys… without your support we wouldn’t be achieve in this style!
273 Parcels are being ready for dispatch to each child. This is all your help and donations, No more words…. but tears for joy!
We really encourage your loved ones in Sri-Lanka to participate this event if possible. Contact Asitha Wimalasena 0714879767 for any direction etc.
More update will follow after the completion of the event.